Thursday, April 30, 2009

I could douche my husband every week on this thing

But I'm going to try not to. Because I love him. However, I must, MUST, post this.

So my husband and I are going to a birthday party for his step-mom and of course on the drive there he tells me that we were supposed to bring a salad.

I wish that I could say this was the first time that he's done this, but it's not. Almost every time we're asked to bring something I find out about it after we've already arrived, while were pulling into the driveway, or a few blocks from the party. I consider this an improvement that he remembered a good 30 minutes before we got to the place. Good job honey! :)

I also wish I could say that I am getting used to this little quirk of my man, but it pisses me of just the same. I know he's ADD and can only handle so much information at a time...but seriously.
So instead of calling him a douche bag, I bite my tongue and don't say anything, ya know in order that I don't damage his self-esteem and what not. Instead I take deep breathes and count backwards from ten, as he decides to swing by the store and take care of it.

Here's the kicker. He calls his step-mom and asks her how many people he needs to bring salad for. Did I mention it was a SURPRISE birthday party?
Surprise sufficiently ruined. Thanks honey. I love you. But you are a douche nozzle.

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