Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Science Fiction and Fantasy Huh?

Disgruntled writer seeks to douche!

Today I would like to douche literary agents.... So if you are a literary agent... listen up!

If you say you are interested in science fiction but don't rep a single science fiction writer or work, take science fiction off your 'we accept these genre's' submission list and stop wasting my time! Douche!!! Also, despite what you may have seen on the Sci Fi channel (now SyFy (douches for the name change, but that's another post)...) Witches, the paranormal and pro wrestling are NOT science fiction! You can tell because there's NO SCIENCE!!!! (Sci Fi / SyFy channel - that's a double douche to you for the wrestling - the rest of it I'll let slide, since apparently science fiction and fantasy are best friends - or bleep buddies or something.)

-Douche Anony

Make sure you read the next part of the e-mail they sent me....hilarious.

It's PG-13 for you innocents.

( I pre-edited the post for language... feel free to exchange the 'bleep' for the 'fuck' that was intended if you like. And feel free to douche this post script remark... I am feeling rather douchy at the moment... Also... while you're at it, douche yourself for not having your own submission guidelines.)

Submitted by a disgruntled douche

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